Fools Fools Fools /// Late TV

The band Late TV, according to their Facebook biography, are, “The sweet spot between jazz-funk disco and the house band of a television chat-show for people who don’t sleep at night.” The rhythms they used are definitely funky on this track, as the bass and keyboard melodies add the Jazz signature sound. 

The song structure includes a verse section, chorus and a section for the bass and guitar to solo. The melodies are catchy, and work well with harmonizing all the instruments. The song flows in a unique way, which is interesting. Their style may take some adjusting for the listener, but once familiar with the song it is extremely enjoyable. 

This song is composed of guitar, bass, drum and keyboard parts. The lead vocals carry the listening experience, and fit the Indie Funk vibe of the track. 

“It’s a fool’s fool’s fool’s paradise, but you come here every night, just looking for the keys, to the queendom on your knees, to the car it’s time to go, it’s gone too far.”

The lyrics seem to highlight a party-like scene, but also the descriptions feel like a dream more than real life. The keyboard seemingly adds this effect with the bright jazz chords. The protagonist is “Miss Indifference,” the girl that you are seeing at this virtual club. This song has many layers, and can be explored further with repeated listens. The song is engaging and soothing for a chill setting. 

Late TV is based in the United Kingdom, and they recorded the track in London.

Written by Skylar Rogers






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