Alter Ego /// Imelda Gabs

The release of Imelda Gabs’ single, “Alter Ego”, made its way to the music world on December 10th of 2021. Let’s not be quiet as we take a deeper look into what this song has to offer.

Based in Switzerland, Imelda is not just your typical artist. Montreux Jazz Festival claimed on their website that the Belgian and Congolese singer likes to mix genres, trying to constantly look for the edge. According to Imelda’s official website, she is able to manifest her passion and emotions through her music, whether it’s on stage or in the studio. At the age of fourteen, she was able to perform with her late father, Doctor Gabs, who is a jazz pianist, at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, Belgium’s capital ( 

“Alter Ego” represented Imelda’s respected genre of rock. Other genres such as rock pop, pop, alternative pop, commercial pop, and indie pop were able to influence how this track came to be as well.

The melodies were not the only noteworthy aspect of the track. Imelda had a rich vocal tone and was able to put real feelings into the lyrics. The lyrics are expressive and deep with some meaningful phrases. Instrumentally, the track has an accompaniment that makes it powerful, fitting perfectly with the vocal track. The performance quality of “Alter Ego” was high throughout. Overall, the track was strong and impressive, and I think it has the potential to reach its way to the top. With the talent Imelda had, nothing can stop her from accomplishing her goals.

Written by Sherryl Citera






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