An eerie gossamer threaded together, think Dub Narcotic, and Libertines. We get The Rec with all the regalia and lacquer, perhaps we could think a more subdued version of a Madchester scene.
A voice that crawls poignantly through the foothills of the dazing nights. Years and years working on the well-versed marrow, we see how The Rec is truly resurrecting an era (Madchester) that had such hallowed bands such as the Happy Mondays, Stone Roses, etc.
The Rec have a rigid bite and never seem to have settled in their lives (“no I’ll never come home.”) The nihilist hand or strange tongue of a stoic, whichever is most dominate at the time, has such power over the dazzling oblivion of earth dreams.
We see the moving swell of the entrapments of The Rec’s “Lads of Summer” moving mercilessly through a badlands of night temples, witness of fascination, and all the while the crooning of vocals and hypnotic music quell our psyche. “Lads of Summer” is an ode to forget and youthfulness. The Rec reminds us that this is a call to the experience we conjure by letting go.
A reference to the embrace of youth and its spiraling euphoria, like the gravity of leaving right when the moments begin to turn opportune. The Rec display an eclectic sound, imagining a live show would perhaps be decadent indeed. The Rec’s “Lads of Summer” is a verifiable album for the dire peoples, as a listen will get one on the high road. As we listen there is an optimism and desire outpouring in every cranny as though the spirit were in Dogon heaven, while the body were still doing the rounds here on earthly realms. A mirage of music give The Rec a pearly, opaque sound. It has a way of seeming almost nostalgic and peerless.
Written by Hari Palacio