Two’s A Crowd (Jonny Moody Remix) /// Xoe-B

“Two’s A Crowd” from UK singer-songwriter Xoe-B is a playfully endearing blend of indie-pop, jazz, and soul that rubs elbows with the likes of Jamie Cullum, Ingrid Michaelson, and Sara Bareilles. This track is destined to become the anthem for all of the introverts in the dating world.

The couple in this song is seemingly fresh out of the lovey-dovey ‘honeymoon’ phase and now they’re beginning to set up some boundaries. The lyrics read like an introvert’s gospel: “I don’t always feel like talking,” “I need my freedom,” “don’t make me guilty of needing my space.” Nobody likes a significant other who can be a little too clingy. When sputtered out back-to-back-to-back these confessions may make the singer come across a bit rude or naggy. But Xoe-B sings these lines so sweetly that you don’t get the sense of a nag, but that she’s being genuine. Her voice here is so pure and effortless, just the sound of it is sure to put a tiny smile on your face. Xoe leads the band with an innocent, natural charisma that you can’t manufacture, turning this already good song into a great song.

The instrumental here really sheds the harshness and matter-of-factness from the lyrics and softens the blow a little bit, transforming this conversation from a potential blowout argument into sweet pillow talk. Xoe isn’t demanding her significant other give her the space she requires; she’s asking respectfully and letting them know what she expects out of this relationship, and it’s the gentle, bouncy warmth of the music that makes it sound that way. A masterful production filled to the brim with soulful guitar, pulsing bass, and plenty of percussion grant this song the essence of a warm, comforting hug.

“Two’s A Crowd” has a hint of nostalgia within it that gives it an extra bit of charm to an already beautiful recording. Xoe-B is on a roll, and with this single she’s better than ever.

Written by Tim Clark






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