Photo credits Jacob Romero

Still Motion /// Strumbrush

Indie music has been all the rave for the past few years. There’s something about an innovative, unique sounding track that can really entice an audience. Whether it’s your favorite new sound from an artist on TikTok, or a new pop-inspired alternative track blasting on your radio station, we all find something endearing and connecting about indie music. The indie genre can be blended with so many others, and one combination that we’ve been raving about lately is the indie-rock subgenre. Lucky for you, we’ve just found the hottest new indie-rock band Strumbrush and have fallen in love with their track, ‘Still Motion.’

With beginnings as a solo indie venture, we see Strumbrush now as a fully realized original rock-inspired band modern day. The Atlanta-based band consists of Jack Pace, Tyler Sherman, Kalen Schaffer and Foster Wells. Together, the quartet come together to create captivating pieces just like ‘Still Motion,’ which is apart of their new album Way Back. Their indie beginnings are highlighted in their body of work with evident alternative rock references, which is why we can’t get over ‘Still Motion.’

Still Motion’ blends everything that we love about indie tracks with a new rock-inspired point of view. The percussion and bass on the track platforms classic 90s rock vibes, while the vocal and production encapsulate more indie/alt/grunge elements. Through the lyrics, we recognize how staying still can hurt us without even realizing it. We realize the exhaustion that comes with sitting in one place for too long, how we have to acknowledge when it’s time to move on and leave the past in the past.

Strumbrush raves, “was it meant to last, I’ve chosen, never looking back, still motion, will turn us into ash,” speaking to the thorough practice of questioning a period of time in ones life, how we have to move forward to grow in this life. Subliminal electronic facets of the piece leave us wanting more.

Combing everything that we admire about classic rock hits with new wave indie influences that are all the fad right now, we fall in love with Strumbrush’s ‘Still Motion.’ Make sure you check out their debut album, Way Back, for more stunning tracks.

Written by McKinley Franklin






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