Addicted To You /// The Midnight Vortex

Photo by Emma Wurfel

Without getting overly scientific, being in love changes how we are wired. Sure, you can point to the infusion of oxytocin in our brains as a catalyst, but it’s hard to let go after you’ve sought it out for so long. As a result of love’s withdrawal, quickly finding your next fix can end up becoming your core objective. On their new single, “Addicted To You,” London alt-rock band The Midnight Vortex fights a losing battle against emotional dependency.

Returning to the pages of PopFad for a third time, The Midnight Vortex delivers a dynamic melodic experience that chronicles the varying, post-breakup moods. For their first act, this track subsists upon a rainy day, grungy, ‘90s alt-rock guitar to represent the forever alone in the world level of shock that circuits through you. Combined with lead singer Bri Macanas’ smoldering style of vocals, it’s very much in the there’s no tomorrow without them type of way. However, all of that is flipped upside down by a fiery breakdown that’s born from out of control angst. From here on, it’s about how far under their spell they end up falling this time around.

Breaking down any track by The Midnight Vortex or The Silent Era would be incomplete without mentioning how downright impressive of a vocal range that Macanas possesses. On this particular track, she switches between smoky blues to seamlessly writhing in the agony of intense passion with how she unleashes “city that never sleeps” to usher in the track’s entire mood change. It is from that point forward that you feel the intensity of what it is to be in the throes of solely having your emotional state dependent on another.

Altogether, “Addicted To You” is an enterprising track for how it travels from the moody, grunge sound of yesteryear to scorched earth riffs. Add in an impressive vocal performance and it is an all-around, captivating listen about how perilously under the influence love can leave you.

Written by Travis Boyer



