Live From Arca Recorders /// J.MYSTERY

“Live From Arca Recorders” is a new EP by artist J.MYSTERY. The vocals and guitar are the highlight on the opening track “Breakdown”. With guests performing in accompaniment with J.MYSTERY, the three tracks pop out at you. His soulful melodic rock flow together well, and each song has a distinct tone shift from the others.

“Breakdown” combines charismatic vocal delivery with an enchanting backdrop, featuring a subtle guitar solo in the second half of the track. You can tell this is the most aggressive track of the three, and has a great resolution of the emotional lyrics. Track two is a soulful one titled, “Better Days”. Piano takes center stage on this song, and the drums add an extra punch in the second half. Throughout the EP piano, drums and guitars are the forefront instruments on the songs. The lyrics deal with inspiring hope, facing adversity, accepting complications and finding love. The songs feel cinematic at times and add a sense of calm and passion. 

The final track, “Everlasting Love” is more of a ballad than the previous songs, and is powerful and expressive too. He talks about how he will get the kind of love he wants, while wondering if the other person feels the same as him. This is a declaration that we can make love into reality. His voice fits well with the songwriting and production on these songs. 

J.MYSTERY has previously released an EP in 2022, and multiple singles including the original versions of the tracks from “Live From Arca Recorders”.






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