Reconnected /// Dorian

Dorian has just gotten his start toward crafting his debut album “Reconnected” with an energetic yet emotional track of the same name.

‘Reconnected’ lyrically tells a tale of yearning for a former love, all with crisp production, exciting instrumentation, and strong controlled vocals. The opening acapella bit shows off Dorian’s voice extremely well, then there’s a starry-like chime that cuts into a slow emotional guitar line. After that, the vocals cut back in with the addition of a bass drum and synths. The music is so dancey, fun, and varied, but then the lyrics contrast that with an exploration of loneliness and want. It may leave the listener not knowing whether to dance or cry, and there’s so much power in that. This track is unique from Dorian’s discography with its exciting dancey tone, and he does an amazing job exploring this different sound.

Dorian is a music artist known for experimenting with genre to create music that’s truly his own. He uses his own lyricism to create deep and emotional art that’s delivered well with his vocal power and prowess. So far, he’s created a varied discography that’s exciting throughout. ‘Reconnected’ adds something new to this discography, and it begs listeners to keep an eye out for the upcoming album of the same name.

Written by Sage Plapp

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