Reina Mora’s latest single ‘Weeds,’ is a somber and heartbreaking addition to her already diverse discography.

‘Weeds’ starts off with a heartbreaking piano-ballad tone, and Mora cuts in with vocals that are beautifully smooth but packed with emotion. The instrumentation later adds guitars and a well-paced bass drum line, and the track remains dynamic enough to maintain interest while keeping that nice slower pace. Lyrically, it does well at telling a narrative of the voice of the song giving their all while not receiving the same back in a relationship by using the poetic device of relating nature to emotions. This is so relatable to anyone who’s been in a similar kind of relationship, but it still finds a way to play with the heartstrings of someone who may not have experienced the same.

Reina Mora is a Puerto Rican singer-songwriter who’s based in L.A. She makes pop music that borrows from a range of genres such as folk, rock, and Latin. Mora is also half of the folk duo Willow Crest and has had her single ‘Trouble’ featured on NPR. ‘Weeds’ adds something laidback in pacing that’s a little more raw and acoustic sounding to her discography. Keep an eye out to see where she goes next.

Written by Sage Plapp

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