Thoughts /// J.J. Chamberlain

‘Thoughts’ by J.J. Chamberlain is a mental health anthem filled with introspection that explores processing grief through growth.

‘Thoughts’ has an amazingly rounded-out dreamy acoustic full-band sound, and the production value allows everything to stand out. There’s also this interesting rise in energy from when it starts, slowly up to an amazing electric guitar solo, and then a soft and subsiding outro. This track is full of life from start to finish. The real story behind it is that it comes out of 12 years of grief and processing that Chamberlain went through after his close friend and bandmate Lanfranco Gaglione took his own life. It both reflects on what Chamberlain experienced emotionally and is a dedication to the life of Gaglione. ‘Thoughts’ is a track that tells the tale of someone having to process grief and come out stronger on the other side.

J.J. Chamberlain is a York, UK-based songwriter, singer, and guitarist known for playing guitar for Mich Dulce and Her Midnight Callers, and for Love Barrons. Also as the main songwriter for Box Time. In ‘Thoughts’ he played almost all of the instruments, aside from the drums which Takashi Takemura played. Moving forward from here, Chamberlain will be playing on September 21st at Crank Studio in Morley, Leeds for a showcase event. From there, he’s sure to have a lot to show in both his solo and collaborative work!

Written by Sage Plapp





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