Samar in Silence /// Burden

Musical artist and student of the world, Samar in Silence, has long prided themselves on their ability to create a world through the music they produce. With a powerful vocal tambor, a proclivity for taking chances with their art, and a determination to empower with every note, their music holds a special place in the hearts of their fans around the world. Their latest single “Burden” takes great strides to add depth to their already illustrious discography and admirable musical legacy.

The piece begins with a flowing and whimsical series of electronic notes layered on top of one another with elegant sophistication that quickly sets the mood. As the vocals appear soon into the track, we immediately feel the importance of the piece both through the artist’s vocal bravado and the candidness of the lyrics. From the opening lines “Gave me all these promises that I fully trusted. You gave me reassurance even though I didn’t ask for it. You said you’d always be there, that you weren’t going anywhere. But you left me at my lowest and the worst part is you caused it.” we feel invested in the journey the artists is taking us on.

At its core, this music does nothing short of speaking truth to power, even if that power turns out to hold little weight. A relatable account of letting go of a friendship that has proven harmful, the delivery of the narrative inspires as well as entertains. It is impossible to take this music in without feeling a renewed sense of resolution to make the difficult choices in our own lives that might be long overdue.

Written by Nick Gumas






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