Pablo Starr /// Story of Life (Sorrow of Love, Joy of Music

Paris-based EDM indie artist Pablo Starr’s passion for art has lasted a lifetime, but as the year finally draws to a close, their newest releases to send the calendar off might just be their most impressive works to date. The embodiment of a self-made musician, they pride themselves on their mastery of all steps of the creative process from recording, producing, and performing all parts of their music on their own. Their newest single “Story of Life (Sorrow of Love, Joy of Music” marks a new chapter in their artistic career as they transcend boundaries to express themself through their work. Serving as a celebration of memories of love and how they stay with us for a lifetime, the single reflects the depths of the artist’s sentimentality as it moves listeners’ souls with every note.

The piece begins with a heavy uptempo beat as stimulating embellishments punctuate the rhythm. Deep bass waves add a layer of depth to the music as the world of the music is built around us. The artist’s vocals appear shortly after to begin the narrative with the opening line “Love is like a shooting star, it makes no difference where you are. Seasons change but true love doesn’t fade over time.”

Delivered with a sense of wistful optimism, the track embodies the artist’s view that our ability to feel is our greatest gift. Littered with quotable lines on the importance of holding that which we love and have loved close and delivered through a series of uplifting hooks, we feel a sense of elation in this song with every listen.

Written by Nick Gumas






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