A Brand New Release by Violet Jane, and Another Single To Explore

Violet Jane just released her brand new single ‘but do I wanna.’ Check it out alongside SpenDoe’s ‘Smiles and Cries’. Both have different vibes, but each works with a lot of emotion in its own way.

Violet Jane – but do i wanna

‘but do i wanna’ has bass-heavy instrumentation with a lot of atmosphere in the softer moments but powerful hits when they’re necessary. It overall has that more punk-twanged alternative pop-rock sound. The melody is great, and the chorus is both powerful and catchy. The vocals work with some higher tones that seem to belt out sweet soft tones, and the verses have this full brassiness. In general, they capture a lot of emotion in their dynamics. The lyrics capture what it’s like to have a yearning to be with someone, but also understanding what it’s like to not really know what one wants. Going deeper, they share a story of not feeling cared about by someone while just not wanting to be alone. There’s a lot of passion explored in the lyrics when getting into the struggle that’s detailed.

SpenDoe – Smiles and Cries

To take things in a different direction, ‘Smiles and Cries’ has a synthy 80’s hip-hop vibe. It has a nostalgic flow, and the synths create a lot of atmosphere behind the piece. This track works with a quick pace, but that pace isn’t rushed. Additionally, the rapping fits well within the percussion, which plays into a captivating rhythmic drive. The lyrics at the start of this track open with “You never know what people goin’ through, sometimes you can’t tell / you never know what people goin’ through, I carry it well.” In general, it gets into what it’s like living a life with struggles, and it takes a very personal tone. On one hand, it captures the struggle of living in the streets, and on the other, it shows a powerful story of fighting for success despite that.

Written by Sage Plapp


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