Louis Jayy /// Pieces

Leeds-born, Liverpool-based R&B and soul phenomenon Louis Jayy has emerged from the studio with their first single of the year, “Pieces” and fans across the globe have quickly taken note. Characterized throughout their career by their nurturing melodies and lyrics that showcase the deep vulnerability the artist is willing to display for their art, the single proves itself as a robust pillar in the young musician’s musical repertoire.

As the track starts, the artist narrates “Let me start here” in a thunderous baritone voice as a rhythmic and hypnotizing beat begins the piece and we are immediately transported to the world of their music. Highlighted with flowing keyboard scales and mood-elevating synth embellishments, the single’s identity becomes clear from the first notes. Jayy’s deep and personal narrative exposition is juxtaposed with this soft and comforting accompaniment that allows us to take in their message at face value without an overwhelming sensation by the lyrical weight.

At every stage of the music, we feel a deeper sense of connection with the artist through the words they orate. With a unique iambic flow and punchy style of dictional delivery, the artist succeeds in narrating their message in a way that is all their own throughout the record. Lines like “I went cold turkey from society, that’s because I placed another man’s ridicule on a conscious mind pedestal. To get some respect, you gotta follow by the principles” read like poetry as we get to know the artist on a personal level with every verse.

Written by Nick Gumas






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