Electric /// Jodi Valentin

A collaboration between friends, Jodi Valentin’s single, “Electric,” embodies those blissful little moments that give you butterflies at the start of a new relationship. This track is full of those same types of moments, and that ‘electricity’ will release a waterfall of endorphins.

Everyone has that one person who takes their breath away, and the excitement of getting to know that person is a feeling we might only experience a handful of times in life, if we’re lucky. These innocent moments are indescribable, as if time is moving fast and slow simultaneously. “What do you say, can we take it slower?” It’s really a beautiful admission that these magical moments won’t last forever, so Jodi wants to enjoy them while they last. There might not be a more euphoric experience in life than falling in love; that’s exactly what this song feels like.

Jodi claims she wrote this song in 30 minutes and as counterintuitive as it may seem, an artist’s best songs often come effortlessly. When an artist finds themselves at the crossroads of inspiration, passion, and creativity, they can be extremely dangerous. Inside those moments are where the most honest songs are born. Luckily Jodi’s producer, Sam Bierman, is equally inspired on this track. The production here is bright and sharp, providing a perfect canvas for Jodi to paint her story. The harmony, the melodies, the textures, the dynamics – this is songwriting 101.

Jodi and Sam are firing on all cylinders on “Electric,” and we’ll be counting on them to provide us plenty more good times in the near future.

Written by Tim Clark






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