Kaleidoscope /// Marc Bird

“Kaleidoscope” is the new single by rock, folk and psychedelic artist Marc Bird. The organ and guitars shine bright on this melodic track, with Bird’s vocal part going strong as well. The song is relaxing while maintaining an upbeat sound, with a few instrumental passages to expand on the melody. The drums, rhythm guitar and bass are subtle but stand out after multiple listens. 

Bird said this about the song in a press release. “The song is about those familiar figures who can appear in your dreams, but sometimes take different forms and faces from those in real life. Marc’s psychedelic folk pop arrangements, give the track an other worldly, atmospheric shimmer, whist the introduction of driving electric guitars and drums, keep this three minute piece of epic pop hurtling forward,” he said. This shift in perception is what the song is achieving, through writing and through production. 

This idea of seeing people in dreams is expressed throughout the lyrics. At the end of the verses, he sings about those in his dreams appearing unrecognizable. “But if you change your face, I’ll never know,” he sings. He sees colors in these dreams as well, which is where the title of the track comes from. 

During the chorus he sings, “Who will you be when you next walk into my dreams, I’m lying here in the dark where I’ve always been, I close my eyes and see, Orange sunbeams.” His dreams are occurring in the dark, however it is not dark around him inside the dream. 

“Kaleidoscope” is the follow up to “Parting,” an EP released in 2022. His top track on Spotify is titled “Mother Mother,” from the same EP. 

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