Watered Down /// Alex Stanilla

Photo By: Fox Murray

Advertising is designed to appeal to our basic nature by plying us with buzzwords, taglines and slogans that, ultimately, end up burrowing their way into our subconscious. At a capitalistic premium, happiness is packaged and sold to you as if it were a product on a shelf. Crafted around a selection of subliminal lyricisms, “Watered Down” by indie artist Alex Stanilla speaks plainly about the disappearance of natural joy and grandeur while imparting a distinctly prismatic melodic vibe of their own..

The key melodic highlight of “Watered Down” is the kaleidoscopic nature that surrounds its chorus sections. With its shimmery, jangly accents, this slice of the soundscape comes alive, rotating in merry-go-round style. However, the catalyst for this transition begins with the undulating combination of bass and drums that constitute its subtly escalating preamble.

In part, “Watered Down” dangles a few, loose lyrical threads ranging from consumerism to branded conformity. From the get go, there’s the rhythmic cadence of “iodized, philosophize with two large fries,” a call to the faithful patrons of the fast food mecca. On its heels, “drink your army, join the coke” alludes to institutions becoming brands and vice versa. 

As if the very prospect of joy has an expiration date, Stanilla ponders “you said you had a joke to tell me, but you forgot.” Furthermore, asking “did you see the sky at sunset” with the caveat of “or did you forget the color” emphasizes how there are experiences we often take for granted. Taking the opportunity to take a direct tone, Stanilla explores how easily we end up missing the plot. 

The simple refrain centered upon “watered down” is this song’s tagline. As opposed to the positive reinforcement of advertising, this turn of phrase reflects upon how desensitized we can become. Of course, there’s always “a hint of lime” to chase it away in the midst of the monotony of being “on the clock.” In part, “Watered Down” relates to a general sense of feeling detached from life itself.

Written by Travis Boyer





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