Technological advances have eliminated many of the hurdles of daily life. For example, television is delivered digitally, whether that be cable, satellite or one of the multiplying streaming services. Rabbit ears that tune into an over the air station are ancient history. However, that white noise sound that hangs on the periphery of a direct signal lives on. Australian punk-grunge band, Unscored, taps into that sound with their latest single, “Static.”

From the start, this track begins as you would expect. It searches for a signal amidst the chattering static that hints at a razor sharp guitar cracking through the void. Suddenly, the crunchy guitar comes in crystal clear, revealing jagged riffs and raucous drums that combine for an unruly noise.

After announcing their presence with a cluttered melody, an understated bout of bass and drums transition into the mix that clear up the signal. This ushers in lead singer Harry Lane’s lament of “my brain is an old TV. All I feel is static inside me.” However, this moment of clarity is short lived.

Upon the chorus, Lane’s vocals begin to howl in concert with the intense return of the all out ruckus sound. The melodic fluctuations on this track are wild and well-received. It gives this song life while maintaining its unpredictability.

At the finish, the largest melodic swing comes into play. Unscored throws everything at their grand finale with a thrashing blend of guitar and drums that gradually fades out into white noise. With a subtle click of a vintage TV set’s off switch, this track is finished.

With “Static,” Unscored has tuned into the right frequency. It has the right amount of untamed melody without being an uncontrollable mess. “Static” comes in loud and clear as a raucous jam.

Written by Travis Boyer






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