Make It Last /// The Continentals

With each passing generation, another dream becomes a casualty of time. As a result, the next generation picks up the torch, hoping to keep the flame of optimism alive. The eternal battle of progress versus the status quo rages on. The Continentals, an indie rock band from Belfast, Northern Ireland, have arrived with their rebellious debut single, “Make It Last.”

At its core, this tune thrives on a gritty, garage rock adjacent sound. It does sound slightly more refined than a reckless abandon style of play. By not relying on a scatter shot, jam session, it is not being drowned out by rapid fire, drum fits and ear splitting reverb. Instead, it relies on a moody, driving sound that keeps the angst front and center without being obnoxious about it.

On the flip side, lead singer Nate Donaghy’s vocals are frantically contentious. That punkish sneer is a defense mechanism against outside, negative forces. All of this posturing is in defense of a “dream.” In turn, it becomes an us against the world vibe.

“All we ever care about is getting the dream” is the simple rationale that The Continentals put forth. However, there are those who have thrown in the towel and let it up to them to “find the key.” In spite of this, their resolve is unshaken, defiantly proclaiming that they are “the kids with dreams that last.” 

With “Make It Last,” The Continentals have burst out of the starting gate with a defiant, yet optimistic tune. If you dare to stand in their way, they will brush you aside.

Written by Travis Boyer






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