I Need Control /// Sirota

Born and raised in the historically artsy Brooklyn, NY, pop/R&B artist Sirota has released a true piece of art. “I Need Control” is a song that just sounds like it was a blast to record, and it is certainly a blast to listen to.

Sirota is clearly unafraid to try anything. The staggering, staccato stop-and-start deliveries of her melodies are so unconventional, yet still so bouncy and cheerful that you almost don’t even notice. Especially when they’re presented with such a mature voice for a 22 year-old, her words get inside of you and go straight for the serotonin. Each section of this track is a complete, standalone musical idea and they all feed into one another so well. The song starts immediately with the chorus – no intro, no setup, just jumping right into the catchiest part of the song which you might imagine is incredibly difficult to execute. But Sirota has arranged this song so masterfully, it really is a treat. She gives you just a taste before sending you back to the beginning where you belong and making you work your way back to the payoff which, by the way, is well worth the wait. 

“I Need Control” is a conversation Sirota is having with herself, complete with different voices and vocal effects to help create the illusion. “I need control and I need it now/What is this hold I have on myself?” Her voice is so playful, passionate, lazy, sexy, tired, optimistic, and pessimistic all at the same time. The production is erratic and unpredictable with a huge variety of sounds being orchestrated in and out all the time, but always hitting their cues. The entire song has such a contagious energy that is constantly moving forward. It reminds me of two different songs from a few years ago that had an identical energy which is what made them both massive hits – “All About That Bass” by Meghan Trainor, and “Cheerleader” by Omi (remember?!?) Those songs were composed with such artistic honesty to the point that every part of those songs – verse, pre-chorus, chorus, even the bridge – all stood out as highlights. The same can be said for “I Need Control” and it is thanks to Sirota’s ability to create melodies and rhythms which dictate the vibe of the song. She is in full control of her sound, not just conforming to what is popular.

It hurts me that Sirota is only 22. She already has the voice of a fully-fledged artist during the time where she’s supposed to still be finding herself. I sincerely hope this is just the beginning for her because I can’t imagine what her voice will sound like at 25, or 28, or 30. If she maintains the creativity and passion exhibited on “I Need Control,” then we may have a serious problem in the future, in the best way possible.

Written by Tim Clark





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