Heaven /// Max Edwards

The release of Max Edwards’ track, “Heaven”, took place on February 25, 2022. Max has been able to release a track that can speak louder than words, a track that audiences can dedicate to the ones that they have fallen in love with.

“Heaven” is a track that could tell the ultimate love story through the eyes of someone that is willing to say what is on their mind, telling that particular someone that they are their everything as they want to settle down with that special someone who is destined to hear what it was that they needed to hear, especially if it comes from their own heart. With instrumentation that was able to make the track stand out in its own special way, it is able to bring out a tune and a melody that is worth listening to. 

Based in Canada, Max has been able to provide lyrics that can make the audience relate to the words that have been sung, relating to whatever comes down from deep within their heart to share with their significant other. On the other hand, Max is not just your typical artist. According to his biography on Spotify, he is a producer as well.

In “Heaven,” the melodies were not the only aspect. This track is tuneful and strong. Max has a warm vocal tone and puts real feeling into the lyrics. The lyrics are expressive and heart-warming with some meaningful phrases. Instrumentally, the track has an exciting accompaniment that is smooth and rich. The performance quality is high throughout, both vocally and instrumentally. Overall, the song is well-shaped and melodious, and I think it has the potential to reach the hearts of audiences who share their love for those around them, especially their significant others.

Written by Sherryl Citera






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