Something New /// Jordan Danielle Harris

Atlanta-based artist Jordan Danielle Harris brings out influences of R&B, pop, and dance music to combine them making the end-of-summer track we’ve all been waiting for, Something New.

“Reruns, on my tv late nights remind of you…” Clean sounding production, almost like the feeling of running through cold wind, as it refreshes your body and soul. A song about starting fresh, we hear Jordan go back and forth with the past and the now, ultimately choosing herself, through a piece of art that makes you want to party. 

The delicacy of her voice breaks it to you softly, making you want to better yourself to be the something new she’s looking for. As a biracial LGBTQ+ woman, she inspires people to get out there and live their lives, because things are “​​better done than perfect.” Though luckily for her, Something New was done, and was made perfect in the same simple breath. 

“What I did on my own, did what you said could never be done.” Harris’ sound breaks free from the chains of genres and does what it pleases, offering us music to heal within the process, giving the best combination of musical events possible through intention and performance alike. The album the single is attached to is also a project worth indulging in time and time again, as its music that makes your world better, and encourages you to live a little more carefree if you don’t already. She definitely has the attention of her fans, and it’s a matter of time before that community of supporters grows even bigger!

Written by Yannick Mirko






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