People In Their Houses /// Greg Bounce

Greg Bounce is a singer-songwriter from Lisbon, Portugal who is making some great indie/synth pop music. With “People In Their Houses” he delivers another strong number with an intimate concept about how we live in today’s pandemic world.

Greg has shared that the song is about the past couple of years during this pandemic where our species have been locked down in our homes. “Our homes have held all of our highs, lows, nights out, job interviews, funerals – and endless Netflix. Every home is a weird, unknown world.”  As he says in his song, “the outside, here” and with so many things closed, our homes have become the world. The song does an excellent job capturing the intimate nature of a home with the overall timbre and moodiness to the song.

“People In Their Houses” is an extremely smooth number displaying lush e-chords and a tasteful low end bass that rides a clean yet subtly dusty drum rhythm. Reverberation across the electric guitars and keys creates a dreamy sound bed for the much drier mixed lead vocals by Greg Bounce. The indie 80s synth pop vibe feels warm and nostalgic as it tends to, but never for sacrificing authenticity or coming across as gimmicky.

The record’s composition really allows both the instrumental to have space to take center stage as well as Greg’s lead vocals to be front and center. Dynamically, there’s a nice calming sense of delivery to the vocal sections, but the song’s energy picks up in its beautiful end. The song concludes smoothly staying consistent with its DNA, but more crashes and fills along with a mellotron and high octave keys performing alongside the calming instrumentation creates space for the most emotive section to the tune. This sense of observation and a hint of melancholy is what makes “People In Their Houses” unique.

Greg Bounce has delivered a creative concept of a song that is accentuated by the great songwriting and performance. We look forward to what else he has in store.

Written by Jon Kagan






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